
The Audit Committee has been established by the Board of Commissioners as a support to the Board of Commissioners and works independently, free from the intervention of management and other infuences, and has the function of overseeing the Company in conducting its activities in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, adhering to ethical values and principles and the principle of transparency.

The Company’s Audit Committee has been set up in accordance with:

  1. Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies;
  2. Law No. 8 of 1995 concerning the Capital Market;
  3. OJK Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015 on the Establishment and Implementation Guidelines of the Audit Committee dated December 23, 2015 (“POJK No. 055/2015”).
  4. Provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association on the duties and authorities of the Board of Commissioners.
  5. Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 002/Kep-Kom/XI/2016 On Appointment of Audit Committee dated 21 November 2016.
  6. Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 001/Kep-Kom/XII/2017 on the Ratification of the Charter of the Audit Committee dated 22 December 2017.

Structure of the Audit Committee

In accordance with the Audit Committee Charter, the Audit Committee shall consist of 3 (three) members who are from independent commissioners and independent parties from outside the Company.

The members of the Audit Committee as of 31 September 2020 are as follows:

  • Chairman of the Audit Committee

    Drs. Winarno Zain

    Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. He earned his Bachelor of Economics from the University of Indonesia in 1968. Previously held various positions including in PT Unilever Indonesia (1970-1988) with the last position as Commercial Manager and PT Ika Muda Group Los Angeles branch with the position of Vice President in 1989.

    From 2001 until 2004 he was a Member of the Committee for Investigation of State Ofcials’ Assets (KPKN) and is currently active as a columnist with his articles are found in various print and electronic media and is actively involved in various economic discussion forums. Currently, in addition to being an Independent Commissioner, he also serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company.

  • Member of the Audit Committee

    DR Wirawan B Ilyas SE Ak, MSi,MH, CPA

    Indonesian citizen, domiciled in South Tangerang. Serving as Member of Audit Committee of the Company from 2016 to present. He completed his economics education and earned Bachelor Degree in Economics from the Accounting Department in 1984 and Master Degree in Science in Tax Administration in 1998 from the University of Indonesia, and completed his Doctoral Program in Business Management in Accounting at Padjadjaran University in 2008, Legal Education at Extension Program of Law in the University of Indonesia in 1999 and completed his Master Degree Program in Business Law at the School of Law of Padjadjaran University. In 2009, he began his career as a Public Accountant practitioner, Tax Litigation and Legal Consultant and until now actively teaches at the Master Degree Program in Accounting at Atmajaya Catholic University and has written many books on Taxation, Accounting, and Business Law.

  • Member of the Audit Committee

    Sri Hartono SE, Ak, MM

    Indonesian citizen, domiciled in Jakarta. Serving as Member of Audit Committee of the Company from 2016 to the present. He earned his Accounting degree from the University of Indonesia in 1985 and obtained his Master of Management degree from the University of Indonesia in 2006. Joined the Radiant Group in 1997 and is holding several managerial positions including Deputy General Manager and General Manager at the Internal Audit Department. He began his career in fnance as a Group Inspector for Commercial Loans in Bank Bukopin (1987-1989), Deputy Finance Manager at PT Saga Rejeki Interdunia (1989-1990), Head of Bank Audit Andromeda (1990-1992), Assistant of Managerial Audit (1992- 1995) and Audit Manager at Bank Finconesia (1996-1997).